The human skin is very much sensitive towards the vagaries of outdoor environment which is usually highlighted through loss of pigmentation, and other symptoms. At the same time, it also develops blemishes, dark spots, swells etc with the passage of time in normal conditions as well. Both these factors ultimately steal the radiance and glamour of the face which ultimately takes a toll on your personality. At present, men and women are taking a serious approach on the issue of skincare to retain a shiny and youthful face on a long term basis. For that, they usually observe a strict regimen that mainly includes: Regular exercise Drinking sufficient water Balanced diet Sound sleep Stress reduction Applying sunscreen Toning Exfoliating Cleansing and others. You must consult a specialised dermatologist to observe such regimen in a right manner. This will also help you to choose the genuine skin friendly products like that of anti ageing night cream to enhance th...
Healthy Living, Nutrition, Skin and Hair Care Discussion